
2019年7月5日 星期五


人的表情(expression)非常豐富,光是「笑容」就有十多種。英文中以我們熟知的說法為 smile laughsmile 指的是嘴角上揚,沒有發出笑聲的「微笑」,而 laugh 則是有發出笑聲的「大笑」。此外,smile laugh 可以是動詞,也可以是名詞。除了smile(微笑)和laugh(大笑)以外,你還想到怎麼用英文說其他的「笑」嗎?一起來學學怎麼用英文「笑出來」吧!
l  a knowing smile / smile knowingly 會心一笑
又可以說 approving smileconcurring smileget it and laughunderstand and then smileunderstand and laugh 
My friend nodded and gave me a knowing smile. 我朋友對我點點頭,露出會心一笑。
The two boys smiled at each other knowingly.
I told him a joke. He got it and laughed.
I am so embarrassed and then stare at him. He understands and then smiles.
I told her that John is a coward. She understands and laughs.
l  laugh out loud (LOL) 哈哈大笑
I laughed out loud when I saw that funny video. 我看那部搞笑影片時笑翻了。
l  rolling on the floor laughing (ROFL) 笑到在地上打滾,笑到快不行了
My wife could not control herself and her eyes began to tear up as she rolled on the floor laughing. 我的妻子實在無法控制自己了,而且當她笑到快不行時,她眼睛都流淚了。
l  laugh my head off 笑死我了
The movie “We’re the Millers” was so funny that I laughed my head off. 「全家就是米家」這部電影實在太有趣了,真是笑死我了。
l  in stitches 點到笑穴,笑到肚子痛
Stop it! Your joke had me in stitches. 別再說了!你的笑話讓我笑到肚子痛。
l  snicker (v.) 偷笑
The students snickered behind the teacher’s back. 同學們在老師背後偷笑。
l  furtive smile 偷笑
The shy little girl gave him a furtive smile. 那個害羞的小女孩對他偷笑。
l  laugh heartily 哈哈大笑
The audience laughed heartily at the comedian’s joke. 那名喜劇演員的笑話逗得觀眾哈哈大笑。
l  wry smile / smile wryly苦笑
When I asked about Roger’s divorce, he just gave me a wry smile. 當我問及羅傑離婚的事,他只給我一個苦笑。
He just smiled wryly when I asked about his divorce.
l  laugh bitterly 苦笑
The man laughed bitterly as he talked about his troubled past. 說到自己不堪回首的往事,那名男子對我苦笑。
l  smirk (v./n.) 假笑,得意地笑
What are you smirking about? 你為什麼笑得那麼賊?
Wipe that smirk off your face!
l  sneer (v./n.) 冷笑,輕蔑地笑
Brad always sneers at the way I dress. 布萊德總是對我的穿著嗤之以鼻。
She looked at him with a sneer of disgust.
l  giggle (v./n.) 傻笑,咯咯笑
Jane always giggles when she gets nervous. 珍緊張時都會傻笑。
Monica’s annoying giggle is driving me crazy.
l  chuckle (v./n.) 輕笑,暗自發笑
Bill chuckled as he read the story. 比爾在讀那篇故事時暗自發笑。
That comic strip is always good for a chuckle.

1. https://tw.englisher.info/2016/01/13/smile-english/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W3rsKo3sdM
3. http://mylanguageinstitute.blogspot.com/2017/06/blog-post_62.html

