
2020年5月11日 星期一

Transitional Verb and Phrase 常見連接詞及片語

Transitional Verb and Phrase 常見連接詞及片語


Opening 開場

  • As mentioned / stated above, S+V
  • According to / Based on what’s mentioned above / the above-mentioned statements
  • When it comes to N = Speaking of N = In terms of N = As to / for + N
  • In general = Generally speaking = By and large = Overall = On the whole = As a whole
  • Simply put = Put simply
  • Frankly / Honestly speaking = To be honest = To tell the truth = To be frank with you
    • bluntly 坦率的
  • Nowadays = recently
    • ... in nowadays' society
    • In this day and age
  • From my personal perspective / viewpoint / point of view = In my opinion / view = As far as I'm concerned
  • I’m of the opinion that
  • It suddenly occurred to / struck to me that 突然想到
    • dawned on 突然頓悟
    • It flashed into / popped into / came across one’s mind that
  • I am deeply convinced / firmly believe / persuaded that
    • persuasive = convincing
    • place / put little credence in = not hold out much hope (that...) 不相信

Comparison and Contrast 比較

  • In comparison with = Compared with
  • In contrast = On the contrary = On the other hand = Conversely = Instead
  • Nevertheless = Nonetheless = However = Still
  • Otherwise
  • instead of / rather than + Ving / N
  • Like = Similarly = Likewise
  • Equally important = Sth is of the same importance

Enumeration 舉例

  • For example = For instance = To illustrate = As an illustration = To cite an example
  • Take sth as an example. = To illustrate this point, = Take sth for instance.

Yielding 退讓

  • Although = Even though = Even if
  • There are two side to sth(這件事有兩面)
  • In spite of = Despite the fact that Despite + N / Ving = In spite of + N / Ving
    • Despite his poor health / Despite working hard In spite of his poor health / In spite of working hard
  • still
  • yet
    • She has yet to decide whether ...
    • The best is yet to come.
    • The idea sound great, yet we ...
    • Simple yet creative, ambitious yet impractical
  • Perhaps (要有s) = Maybe = Probably
    • Sth is perhaps...
  • At first glance = At first sight(乍看之下,後面語意轉折)

Emphasis 強調

  • especially = in particular = particularly = specifically = to be specific
    • be particular / picky / choosy / finicky about + N
  • above all = on top of that / on top of everything else = most important ( of all)
  • best of all / better yet worst of all / worst yet
  • surely = certainly = definitely
  • S+V, not to mention = not to speak of = to say nothing of S+V (否定), let alone / much less + 任何詞性
    • I’ve never seen this guy before, let alone worked with him.
  • Undoubtedly = Without a doubt = Needless to say It goes without saying that = It is undeniable that = There is no denying that
  • It's generally agreed that = It is commonly held / established / believed / recognized that = Conventional wisdom hold that = Everyone knows that = As is known to all
    • Contrary to common / general / popular belief
  • We can say with reasonable confidence that = We have every / enough reasons to believe that = I’m pretty sure that

Cause and Effect 因果關係

  • therefore = thereby = hence = thus = consequently = as a consequence = in consequence = as a result = accordingly = on account of
  • result in = lead to = bring about = give rise to = contribute to = responsible for = cause
  • thanks to = due to = because of = since = in that = seeing that = owing to = on account of
  • with the aim to = with a view to doing sth = with an eye to = for the purpose of = in an effort to = in an attempt to = strive to VR / for + N = struggle to VR / with + N
  • in the cause of 為了
    • They are fighting in the cause of justice.

Sequence 順序

  • To begin with
  • At the very beginning
  • To start off
  • For starters
  • Initially = firstly = in the first place = first of all = to begin / start with = for starters
  • First and foremost ↔ Last but not least
  • additionally = besides = second = secondly = next = subsequently = afterward
  • as well as
  • furthermore = moreover = in addition
  • for one thing for another
  • In the end = At last = Lastly = Finally = Eventually = Ultimately

Subsequence 接續

  • besides
  • in addition to = apart from = aside from
  • furthermore = what's more = moreover = furthermore
  • To put it another way / differently = In other words = That is to say = Namely

Conclusion 結論

  • To sum up = In conclusion = To conclude = all in all
  • In short = In brief = In a word = In a nutshell
  • In retrospect = Looking back 回首過去
  • After all 畢竟

